Digital sunset is a habit that improves the quality of your sleep. As your sleep improves so does your performance and alertness in subsequent days. Screens on your phone, TV, and computer emit blue light. This blue light has a negative impact on your sleep quality and thus your next day’s performance and your health. The objective of the Digital Sunset Habit is to restrict blue light at hours that are close to your bedtime.
There are 3 main ways that you can restrict the blue light from screens:
Blue light tells your brain that it is daytime and causes it to reduce the production of melatonin. Melatonin is necessary for a good night’s sleep and rejuvenation.
Additionally artificial blue light may be damaging to the DHA essential fat in your retina which is responsible for converting sunlight into energy. This throws off your circadian rhythm and can cause mood and energy issues.
It is best to mitigate artificial blue light exposure daily.
Dave Asprey
James Swanwick
Brian Johnson
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