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Ginkgo Biloba Extract

Ginkgo Biloba Extract

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Drinking Ginkgo Biloba Extract may improve your mood, cognitive ability and may benefit your heart and brain health.

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How to Do It

Take 120mg of Ginkgo Biloba extract each day. Although, recommended doses vary widely.

The extract can come in liquid form, which you can mix it into smoothies or juices. You can also buy it in pill form.

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  • May boost cognitive ability [1]
  • May improve mood [5]
  • May protect against dementia [2]
  • May improve heart health [3]
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Why it works

The beneficial effects of ginkgo extract are poorly understood [3], but they may have something to do with improved blood-flow, antioxidant effects and a relaxing effects on the lungs.

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Side Effects

The evidence that ginkgo extract can benefit healthy individuals is sparse [1]. Most studies focus on Ginkgo as a treatment for dementia

Additionally, ginkgo extract may damage eye health, especially if consumed with aspirin [4]

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Category Health/Productivity/Focus:

  • Health
  • Mood
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You could try ginkgo biloba tea for similar benefits

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 Happiness  Energy  Productivity  Focus  Sharpness
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Ginkgo Biloba Extract

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