Similar to drawing - painting is the act of spreading paints, oils, or other liquids onto solid surfaces in a creative and fun way. Be it portraits, landscapes, or comic strips, painting is an easy and effective way to express yourself and develop your creativity.
Just take a pencil, a brush, or a digital drawing device and get creative! Almost any material can be painted on such as wood, discarded cardboard, canvas, paper towels, or even outdoor walls. You may want to practice on items that can be thrown away at first. Alternatively, sign up for your nearest painting class or follow YouTube tutorials to learn special techniques.
30 -60 minutes. Can be done in small fragments or in longer sessions
Painting can divert attention from a stressful agenda and allow you to get closer to your creative side. It helps strengthen motor skills. Painting also allows emotions to be processed in a non-verbal way and can be a great activity for those who suffer from mental illness.
Eye strain or soreness in hands or arms may occur.
Winston Churchill
George W. Bush Jr.
Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash
James Franco
Anthony Hopkins
Any time