Having a positive attitude is one of the easiest things that you can do to help improve your mood and confidence.
Positive affirmations are simple things that you can say out loud, or write in a journal to yourself. These are things like “I'm energetic” “I’m smart” or even “I did a great job on my report last night.” Don’t let negative thoughts cloud your brain. Instead, try to think about the positives in every situation and see if you notice a change in your mood.
When you are reflecting on a stressful situation or biting your nails while thinking about tomorrow try to erase the negativity from your mind. Give yourself a pat on the back” by telling yourself that you tried your best, even if the outcome wasn’t what you wanted. Tell yourself simple things to help boost your confidence and focus.
Ideally Affirmations should be:
2 minutes a day
Popular times are immediately after waking up and right before bed while thinking about your day
Constantly being in a negative mindset may trap you into a false sense of failure. There is a popular saying “think it into reality.” Tell yourself in the morning that you aren’t tired and are ready to get up and go.
Positive affirmations can help rewire your brain to lessen your fears and insecurities. Although there is no guarantee of success - the cost of reassuring yourself is just 3-4 seconds of thinking or journal writing.
Do not let your positive affirmation make you ignore true obstacles.
Great mindset or Journal/pen
Brian Tracy
Tony Robins (incantations)
Joe Dispenza
Morning or before bed