Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy is a technique used for decades to treat some fractures and even depression. It involves applying small electromagnetic fields to the body. It used to be performed only in hospitals or clinics. Now there are devices for personal use. It is also called low field magnetic stimulation.
Personal use device.
Treatment plan in a specialized center
If you have a personal device, use it according to the manufacturer's instructions. Be sure to follow the safety instructions. Many of them are used as massage devices.
If you go to a specialized place, schedule some sessions, and attend them to get different benefits.
10-30 minutes
2-3 times per week
Increase frequency for pain management
Used in moderation it is safe.
In some cases nausea, fatigue and/or headaches occur.
Look for HealthyLine Pulsed Magnetic Therapy mats. A hands-on product to get all the benefits from this habit. Click here to get yours!