Review your goal(s) in regular time intervals daily/weekly. Identify what steps you have accomplished to get to your goals and what steps you need to accomplish to get even closer.
The review can be done mentally but it is better to do it in writing or even during a meditation session
This will help you stay focused on your goal(s), and truly sear the goal in your mind.
Additionally by identifying what steps you have accomplished to get to your goal you will be building up your self efficacy which essentially improves your mood and productivity even further.
10-20 minutes a day
Science shows that when we write things down they get more ingrained in our minds.
Also studies show that when writing goals down you are 20-40% more likely to accomplish them
By keeping track of your goals you will be able to better keep them in the forefront and will be able to better prioritize your daily activities
At least weekly, but can be done daily
Tony Robbins
Jack Canfield
Productivity, Mood