Ginger is an asian spice in the same family as turmeric, cardamom, and galangal. It’s used to soothe stomachs, improve blood flow, decrease arthritis pain, and alleviate morning sickness. Its key bioactive ingredient is gingerol.
Ginger can be eaten whole, in a powdered form, as a supplement, in a tea, or as a spice in your food. A large number of recipes exist online which utilize ginger. Find recipes you like and include them as part of a well balanced diet. The recommended daily dose of ginger is between 1 and 2g when powdered or 10g of fresh ginger root.
Gingerol increases the permeability of bacterial membranes, allowing antibiotics to have a much more powerful effect.
Gingerol decreases fasting blood glucose levels, increases the liver’s natural antioxidant enzymes, relieves nausea and vomiting, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, stimulates mucus production in the stomach, decreases inflammation responses, and may suppress tumor growth.
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