The Swoosh Pattern is a Neuro Linguistic Programming technique that helps to stop compulsions and unhealthy behaviors like smoking, nail biting, nervous twitching, or even binge eating. This is accomplished by recognizing things that are bad to do and trying to find healthy replacements for them.
When you come across an unwanted feeling or behavior (i.e. nail biting):
5-10 minutes
Neuro Linguistic Programming is based on the assumption that every individual has one dominant sense faculty (visual, auditory, etc.) in which learning is easier. NLP techniques are matched to the individual’s dominant faculty to improve learning. The goal is to create an image in your head so that every time you are about to make a bad choice, you see the image and results of you making the better choice, which makes you stop doing the bad habit.
Daily until the unwanted behavior has ended.
It may not work for everyone
Cheryl Cole
Oprah Winfrey
Jimmy Carr
Russel Brand
Robbie Williams
NLP Ring of Fire
Any time you have the desire to act compulsively or think negative thoughts
There is no conclusive sound scientific evidence that proves the health benefits of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Just like most habits it may work for you or it may not.