The Ultradian Rhythm is a measurable system in your body which dictates how your body relates to and handles time. “Ultradian” refers to a cycle that is longer than one hour, but less than a day, while “rhythm” refers to how these cycles flow in your body throughout the day. Unlike the Circadian Rhythm which occurs over a period of 24 hours, our ultradian rhythm is much shorter and occurs several times throughout the day.
When you hack into your ultradian rhythm, you can operate at your most productive throughout the day. Studies have shown that our ultradian rhythms come in two phases, the first being a 90 minute peak where we are most productive, followed by a 20 minute lower-frequency level where we are less productive.
By using the method of working productively for 90 minutes followed by a 20 minute break, you will get the most out of your work day.
Most people grind through the 8 hour workday trying to work at their highest level for every second of the day, but that only leads to burn out.
Hacking into your ultradian rhythm will allow you to get more done in 5 hours and 30 minutes (20 minute breaks every 90 minutes) than you would in an 8 hour work day simply because you let your body rest. When you let your body rest for 20 minutes after a 90 minute work session, you perform better throughout the day and get more done.
Approximately 5 hours and 30 minutes to complete (3 cycles)
3 cycles per day, 5 times a week
Anytime when you are working.
May have no effects
May cause nausea or tiredness